Are you entitled to a free admission ?

From 8 to 27 january 2025, due to an installation underway, part of the Sculpture Garden is temporarily inaccessible. The artworks remain visible.


Are you entitled to a free admission ?

The first Sunday of the month - From October 1st to March 31st

  • Under-18s     

On presentation of valid ID with photo

  • 18 - 25 year olds ( included) resident in the EU and European Economic Area

Proof of entitlement required: ID (with photo) or official EU or EEA member state document (with photo) mentioning date of birth and nationality or place of residence

  • Teachers in French primary and secondary schools

Proof of entitlement required: a valid “Pass Education” card issued by the Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de la jeunesse et des sports

  • Teachers and students at the École du Louvre (excluding unenrolled students and students in evening classes or in-service training)  

Proof of entitlement required: student’s or teacher’s card (with photograph), valid for the current year

  • Civilian and military disabled persons with a guest or helper

Proof of entitlement required: a valid card issued by the MDPH (Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées) and the CDAPH (Commission des Droits et de l'Autonomie des Personnes Handicapées); an ONAC card (Office des Anciens Combattants) plus valid ID (with photo); an AAH (Allocation pour Adultes Handicapés) medical certificate; an ASI (Allocation Supplémentaire d'Invalidité), PCH (Prestation de Compensation du Handicap) or RTH (Reconnaissance de Travailleur Handicapé) certificateor any equivalent foreign certificate with a proof of identity. 

  • Paris Museum Pass holders
  • First Sundays of the month - 1 October to 31 March (Paris)
  • Jobseekers   

Proof of entitlement required: a certificate from Pôle Emploi, less than 6 months old, plus ID (with photo)

  • Beneficiaries of the RSA, ASS, CMU or ASPA

Proof of entitlement required: Attestation de Paiement (RSA), Attestation d'Admission ou d'Indemnisation (ASS), Attestation de Situation ou d'Admission (CMU), Notification de Retraite (ASPA), valid for the current year

  • Practising teachers of art courses at French public universities and art schools: architecture, art history, archaeology, plastic arts, graphic arts, design, museums, heritage and landscape, excluding evening classes and  University of the Third Age (France).  

Proof of entitlement required: a school or university certificate valid for the current school year, issued by the Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de la jeunesse et des sports, mentioning the subject taught

  • University and state school art students up to age 30 (inclusive) enrolled in architecture, history of art, archaeology, visual arts, graphic arts, design, museum, heritage and landscape, excluding students at evening classes or University of the Third Age (France)

Proof of entitlement required: student card (with photo), valid for the current year

  • Students at the Institut National du Patrimoine or the École Nationale des Chartes, and university graduates in restoration (France)

Proof of entitlement required: student card with photograph, valid for the current year

  • Active or retired staff of the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (accompanied by one person)

Proof of entitlement required: Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication card (with photo), valid for the current year * The scientific staff of French and international state museums (curators, museum inspectors, heritage conservation officers and assistants)
Proof of entitlement required: professional membership card, valid for the current year

  • Members of ICOM / ICOMOS / CIMAM

Proof of entitlement required: professional membership card, valid for the current year, with ID

  • Staff of the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art

Proof of entitlement required: the INHA card, valid for the current year, with ID

  • French and international journalists, art critics and art press union members

Proof of entitlement required: a national or international press card, valid for the current year

  • Professional artists (painters, sculptors, engravers)

Proof of entitlement required: a valid card or certificate issued by the Sécurité Sociale des artistes auteurs, an international artist identity card, or a card from the Cité Internationale des Arts, valid for the current year

  • RMN (Réunion des Musées Nationaux) guides and lecturers, national guide-interpreters (and permanent assistants), regional guide-interpreters from the Ile de France (and permanent assistants), specialist art and history guides (villes et pays d'art et d'histoire)

Proof of entitlement required: a professional membership card, valid for the current year, with ID

  • Members of the Société des Amis du Musée Rodin and the La Source - Rodin - Grand Paris association

Proof of entitlement required: membership card

  • Asylum seekers and refugees

Proof of entitlement required : Allocation Temporaire d'Attente (ATA), Allocation de demandeur d'Asile (ADA), Autorisation provisoire de séjour pour les réfugiés (temporary residence permit for refugees)

  • Meudon site: free for individuals and groups on self-guided tours throughout the opening period