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European Museum Night 2024 - 20e edition
at the Musée Rodin in Meudon
For the 20th European Museum Night, join in a festive exploration of the Musée Rodin in Meudon, from dusk until dawn. For one evening, take a new look at the artist's last home, a place of work and experimentation, an intimate refuge and a friendly setting.
En transports en communà 30 minutes |
En voitureà 10 minutes |

As a family, with friends or on your own, explore the park and its works of art, visit all the areas of the museum: the Villa des Brillants, the Galerie des plâtres and the Atelier des Antiques, and take advantage of an original programme.
The Kids have their say
Pupils in CE2, CM1 and CM2 at Jean Monnet primary schools in Clamart have been taking part in the Enfants-Conférenciers educational programme throughout the year. Working in small groups, the pupils put themselves in the shoes of a lecturer to help you discover the works in the museum.
16.30 to 17.30 | Galerie des plâtres
Visits between light and shadow
« Il fait un peu sombre mais ça ne fait rien à cette sculpture ; les ombres y séjournent avec plaisir »
(Auguste Rodin, Les Cathédrales de France, 1914)
With students from the Ecole du Louvre, learn to see and re-examine the works in the Galerie des plâtres as daylight fades. With the naked eye or equipped with a lamp, reveal the details that inhabit Rodin's sculptures between light and shadow.
7.30pm to 9.30pm | Galerie des plâtres
A workshop full of light
Bring the Meudonnais night to life and decorate the museum grounds with lanterns made and decorated during a participatory workshop with visual artist and scenographer Luna Duchaufour-Lawrence.
7pm to 9pm | Practical workshop
Ballet of shadows
Ombromanie performances - the art of creating shadows with the hands - were a great success in Rodin's day. Come nightfall, Philippe Beau, a veritable magician of shadows, echoes this tradition and invites you to enjoy poetic performances set to music.
From 9.30pm | opposite the Galerie des plâtres
A picnic under the stars
To accompany your evening, the Cantine du marché will be offering a range of original food and drink to suit all tastes, to be enjoyed under the Meudon sky.
6pm to 10.30pm | picnic area
Vue de l'oeuvre
Exhibition(s) location(s)
Musée Rodin in Meudon
19 avenue Auguste Rodin, 92190 Meudon
Saturday 18 May 2024
Opening times
From 6pm to 10.30pm
Free entry