3D Files

Early closure on the 31st December 2024 at 5.30pm, with last admission to the museum at 4.45pm. The Sculpture Garden closes at 5pm. On the 1st January, the museum will be closed all day.

3D Files

In the early 2010s, the musée Rodin commissioned a three-dimensional scan of several sculptures from its collections for study and documentation purposes. This was intended to allow a comparison of two successive stages in the production of the works and to better visualise the formal developments. In the case of Le Baiser, for example, the experiment focused on the initial, medium-sized version and on the large marble model. For Le Sommeil, the aim was to work on the initial plaster work and the mise-aux-points model, reworked by Rodin with a view to cutting a marble.


  • Le Baiser, original size, terre cuite, S.03459 (fichier STL - 2011) (zip, 23509.1 ko)
  • Le Baiser, tall edition, marble, S.01002 (HTML file – 2021 - flash file conversion 2011)(zip, 20319 ko)
  • Le Sommeil, plaster, S.02128 (STL file - 2011)(zip, 12100.2 ko)
  • Le Sommeil, modèle de mise aux points, terre cuite, plâtre, cire, pâte à modeler et papier journal, S.01829 (fichier HTML - 2021 - conversion fichier flash 2011)(zip, 22337.5 ko)
  • The Gates of Hell, état 1900, plaster S.02000 (HTML file - 2021 - flash file conversion 2011)(zip, 14985.6 ko)

to open and read the files

  • Extract files from zip folder
  • For HTML files, make sure the 3 files (*.html, *.png and *.js) are in the same folder and open the HTML file in your browser. Not compatible with Firefox.
  • For STL files, open the STL with a dedicated software (such as Microsoft Paint 3D)