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10th Symposium for Young Researchers in Sculpture

Call for papers
New approaches to Sculpture
Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd September 2023, 9am-5pm
Paris, Musée Rodin, Léonce Bénédite Auditorium
With Live Streaming
Headed by Professor Claire Barbillon, Director of the École du Louvre.
Considered more challenging than painting or transversal themes of study, sculpture has nevertheless undergone a revival within the realm of research (notably monographic studies), often thanks to the dynamism of museums. Following the late-1986 opening of the Musée d’Orsay, 19th-century sculpture has progressively freed itself from its previous prolific and academic image that saw it described as ‘boring’ by none other than Baudelaire.
For the past decade, the Musée Rodin has sought to encourage young researchers to explore modern-era sculpture (particularly from the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries), in collaboration with professors specialised in this realm of research. To this end, the museum hosts an annual symposium, allowing PhD students, young doctorate holders and young curators to contrast and compare their subjects and perspectives. A new specific theme or orientation is proposed each year.
For 2023, marking this programme’s 10th anniversary, the organisers desire the broadest range possible of research issues and debates centred on sculpture. Therefore, shall be encouraged international submissions of pertinence to all fields of sculptural research, and notably:
- Object biographies;
- Global vs. local histories;
- Gender studies;
- Vandalism and post-colonial studies.
Proposals containing a title, a presentation summary (problem-oriented, comprising 1,500-2,000 characters), and a short biography (1,000 characters) should be sent before June 12, 2023 by e-mail to:
The selected candidates shall be informed 7 days following an assessment of all proposals by the selection committee. The presentations shall last 20 minutes each and be recorded, to be subsequently made available online via the Musée Rodin website.
Research committee and organization
Professor Claire Barbillon, director and president, Director of the Ecole du Louvre
Amélie Simier, general heritage curator, director, Musée Rodin
Véronique Mattiussi, head of research, Musée Rodin
Franck Joubin, researcher and conference organizer, Musée Rodin
In partnership and with the support of